Where is the lake?
Ryder Lake itself is hidden from the road and is private and is not open to the public. The lake you can see when driving along Elk View Road is Hornby Lake which is also on private property..
Ryder Lake Amphibian Project

The Hornby Lake wetland is an important habitat for many amphibians, including the Western Toad, which is a species at risk. As more and more of our wetlands disappear, special sites like this become even more important for wildlife.
In 2015, a tunnel was constructed under Elk View Road (opposite Hornby Lake) to protect Western toads and other amphibians who need to cross the road safely between the wetland and the forest.
In the spring, adults toads migrate across the road to lay their eggs in the breeding pond. In the fall, they migrate back to their forest home.
Every summer, tiny juvenile Western Toads (toadlets), migrate by the thousands from their breeding pond – where they started their lives as tadpoles, to their forest home – where they live as adults. This Western Toad migration event occurs in only a few known locations around the lower mainland.
Most of these toadlets travel safely through the toad tunnel, but some still try to cross over the road. Because they’re only the size of a dime, it’s virtually impossible to spot these tiny dark specks as they hop across the pavement.
Toadlets that migrate across the road are often squished by cars whose drivers are unaware that they’re even there at all. Every summer, Fraser Valley Conservancy sets up a voluntary detour around the toadlet migration route. Drivers who choose to take the detour route drive an extra 400m to save thousands of tiny lives!
The Ryder Lake Ramble is the perfect time to check out the Toad Tunnel, and learn a little more about this at-risk species. During the migration period, toadlet sightseeing is discouraged. Human presence during the toadlet migration – even while walking – can disturb their migration patterns. This causes them to waste precious energy, making them vulnerable to predators.
For more information about the Ryder Lake Amphibian Protection Projects, and for regular updates about the toadlet migration, visit: www.fraservalleyconservancy.ca/category/rlapp
A Fraser Valley Conservancy tent will be set up at the Ryder Lake Hall to provide more information.
Ryder Lake Community
Ryder Lake is part of the City of Chilliwack and most of the area is zoned in the Agricultural Land Reserve. The Official Community Plan for Chilliwack recommends maintaining the current density, and supporting appropriate agricultural activities.
This is country living! There are no stores or schools, no City water or sewage, no cable TV, and good internet access and cell phone coverage depends on location.
The Ryder Lake Hall is the center of many community events including the Ryder Lake Christmas Craft Fair. It is available for rent for weddings and other functions.
For more information on the community of Ryder Lake please see the local Ryder Lake website.